Palm Analysis of Arackaparambil Kurien Antony (born on December 28, 1940) is an Indian politician and the current Defence Minister of India.
Arackaparambil Kurien Antony (born on December 28, 1940) is an Indian politician and the current Defence Minister of India. He previously served as the Chief Minister of Kerala. The major important year in his life is from December 28 ,2011 till December 28 2012. His 73rd year will be good. The year 2016 will be very important for him in all sphere of life. The length of the first and third phylange is the longest compared to the middle. Such people tend to be mentally stimulated and also they are the enjoy-er of worldly things. The wider the angle, between the little and ring finger signify the more the person's attitude and values tend to be unconventional. The most significant to see in his hand is length of third phylange of the 4th finger. It is longest indication of a good politician. A branch less heart line indicates that he does not keep attachments in life. The heart line appears to start under mount of saturn indicating his love for outer appearances and his materia...