The structure of hand is healthy with right amount of flesh and if we shake hand or touch the hand it feels good. Such hands are considered to more better suited to face hardship and face the world. They do not get suppressed, in-fact prosper more if they have trouble and challenge in life. The fingers are straight, which again helps in focus. The heart line does not have any branches and it starts with a prong and curve. This kind of heart line is considered to be very good as it shows clear emotions, passion, and detachment. ***** If I have to rate one of the biggest reason for success , it shall be detachment. It means being in the moment and not seeking or expecting certain result. A mount of Venus is prominent with no or few lines on it. This indicates an ability to be a good lover, compassionate and a person with good taste (food, clothes & environment). It also provides vitality, stamina all represented by good Venus. It also provides large amount of...