Born 29 September 1936
This year has been very important to him and will remain very important the good part has happened in this year and more good news till his birthday 29 September 2010. More news will be there for him till 31 December 2010.
The heart line is without branches indicates that he never keeps
attachments. The heart line starts from mount of jupiter indicating he is a
idealist and not a materialist. He values good idealistic thoughts.
A strong line of head indicating that he is head strong and takes calculated
risks. The hand in general is small indicating that he he makes big plans
but is not a good implementer.
The mount of moon is prominent indicating good imaginative skill needed to
be a good politician. He will have good sixth seance.
The mount of venus is prominent and indicates good taste of all kind. He has
an excellent stamina. The power which will not diminish with age. He is a
lover at heart and loves all. His prosperity comes with love.
The hand is normal but just the little finger stretching beyond the ring
fingers 2nd phylange makes this hand very special. It means that the person
has good communication, business and has good technical knowledge. Such
people can be good businessman, politicians, lawyer, doctor. Such people
communicate in such a way that they appear impartial.
The other important thing we see in this palm is that it has tapered thumb
at it's apex. It makes him refined in taste of all kinds. He has a never
satisfying nature.
You will notice that many things i have analyzed is contadicting. I think
life is contradicting too.
Palmist Manish
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Sachin Tendulkar Palmistry reading analysis.
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Sachin Tendulkar Palmistry reading analysis.
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