Is it possible that I have to marriage lines whereas my partner has one marriage line about the answering this particular question in this palmistry Palm reading video I have taken the hand of our past president Dr Abdul Kalam and I would be trying to display on his hand I would first draw those lines that you say these are the lines that you are referring to this is a question somebody basically ask me and I wanted to show you practically what it might mean in this particular palmistry video.
You may one two or three lines these lines people think that they are the lines of marriage this lines may be called line of marriage but not necessarily these lines are lines of marriage these lines are considered to be lines of attachments and attachments doesn't convert into marriage and these lines also try to understand these lines do not mean that actually you my go and have a relationship it might not mean that it could just mean plain simple attachment. it may mean that the person is having a a liking for somebody.
is it nothing more than that and it might not basically meaning that a person is actually communicating with the other person it could be the one sided affair / attachment or liking for a person not necessarily two sided.
so don't misunderstand with these lines that if you have this line you have two marriages of three marriages.
the question the person basically asked is it possible that I have two marriage lines whereas my partner has one marriage line so these lines not necessarily means lines of marriage these lines on could just mean lines of attachments and even even if you have these it doesn't mean that you may have an extramarital relationship.
high probability that there might not be any chance you just have a plane simple liking for somebody
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